Before we share the heart of our ministry, here is
a quote of A.B. Simpson, a leader in the revival and
missionary movement at the turn of the 20th century,
that carries the heartbeat of our ministry.
The one thing short of which all man’s wisdom and resources reach is ‘LIFE’.
(I John 1:2; 5:20, John 1:4: This significant word “LIFE” is the keynote of the… New Testament...)
Science can give us the principles of things and
can even reconstruct the forces of nature, but only
God can give this strange and spontaneously subtle thrill called ‘life’. The Sermon on the Mount tells us
what this ideal ‘life’ should be, but the Gospel of John tells us how that ideal may become a reality. It starts with the mysterious secret of the New Birth, where life begins.
Before a planet rolled, an insect hummed or an
angel sang, Christ was Himself the eternal life.
(1 John 5:20) Every saint is sustained by the life of
the living Head. It is so good to know that His life is
eternal and in Him there is a fountain of life that
never can be dry, a sufficiency that never can fail.
It is a life that is as infinite in its scope as it is enduring in its length, a great unfathomable ocean of boundless fullness and glorious all-sufficiency. The word ‘eternal’ here does not merely convey the idea of existence that has neither beginning nor ending, but speaks of a higher sphere of life. It is life that belongs to a loftier plane than the things that are seen and temporal.
Let us adore the Prince of Life, the Living One,
the Glorious Son of God who stands before us in
His radiant and eternal life, proclaiming,
I am He that liveth and was dead; and, behold, I am alive forevermore… (Rev 1:18a)
Let us not leave this splendid excerpt without
saying: If you have a void in your life and have not yet received
this true eternal life (more spiritually satisfying than you could ever imagine, more fulfilling than you could ever anticipate, a loftier
plane more overflowing with a love and peace than you
could ever hope for), it awaits you and here’s how.

If you are troubled...
by what you’re hearing—and not hearing—in Christian circles today… if your heart yearns to hear the Gospel that witnesses to your regenerated spirit and hungry heart, then Understanding His Way Ministry is for you. Let your heart be encouraged, God wants you to again be able to hear the message which was once heard from church pulpits, Christian radio, and in Christian bookstores, even as recently as 40 years ago. He wants to enable you to have the Spirit-filled, victorious Christian life.
What we’re facing today is a misrepresentation of God and His Word. Many Scriptural Essentials are either tragically lacking or so perverted as to become a mockery of the genuine Gospel. These pertain to genuine grace, faith, repentance, salvation, love, the Spirit-filled and victorious Christian life, holiness, and other sound doctrines.
In this present day of so much confusion over divergent teachings, Christians are confronted with what Ephesians 4:14 describes as "every wind of doctrine.” In I John, we are warned of seductions “by deceiving spirits.”
Since Jesus tells us in Luke 24:47 that “…repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem,” it’s clear this is essential to the Gospel. Why then, is it seldom preached today? Just as God’s love, holiness, grace, faith, prayer and Biblical Balance are at the helm of our ministry, so is repentance and the remission of sin.
Most churches in America show little resemblance to the churches in the book of Acts. (Acts 2:42 “And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship…”) Today is a day of teaching with little content, little depth and much drama. Church pulpits, radio and television swarm with preachers who are departing from—and even distorting—the true Gospel and God’s Word, and then marketing their perversion for self-serving purposes.
Before we share the heart of our ministry, here is a quote of A.B. Simpson, a leader in the revival and missionary movement at the turn of the 20th century, that carries the heartbeat of our ministry.
"The one thing short of which all man’s wisdom and resources reach is ‘LIFE’. (I John 1:2; 5:20, John 1:4: This significant word “LIFE” is the keynote of the… New Testament...)
Science can give us the principles of things and can even reconstruct the forces of nature, but only God can give this strange and spontaneously subtle thrill called ‘life’. The Sermon on the Mount tells us what this ideal ‘life’ should be, but the Gospel of John tells us how that ideal may become a reality. It starts with the mysterious secret of the New Birth, where life begins.
Before a planet rolled, an insect hummed or anangel sang, Christ was Himself the eternal life. (1 John 5:20) Every saint is sustained by the life of the living Head. It is so good to know that His life is eternal and in Him there is a fountain of life that never can be dry, a sufficiency that never can fail. It is a life that is as infinite in its scope as it is enduring in its length, a great unfathomable ocean of boundless fullness and glorious all-sufficiency. The word ‘eternal’ here does not merely convey the idea of existence that has neither beginning nor ending, but speaks of a higher sphere of life. It is life that belongs to a loftier plane than the things that are seen and temporal.
Let us adore the Prince of Life, the Living One, the Glorious Son of God who stands before us in His radiant and eternal life, proclaiming, I am He that liveth and was dead; and, behold, I am alive forevermore… (Rev 1:18a)."
Let us not leave this splendid excerpt without saying: If you have a void in your life and have not yet received this true eternal life (more spiritually satisfying than you could ever imagine, more fulfilling than you could ever anticipate, a loftier plane more overflowing with a love and peace than you could ever hope for), it awaits you and here’s how.

God calls us to be truly born again. Following the rebirth, God wants us to be scripturally sound in our understanding of His Word and His Character. Therefore, our ministry purpose is to present six Scriptural Essentials, including true salvation and the Spirit-filled, victorious Christian life.
One of the six Scriptural Essentials is what we call “Biblical Balance.” This means properly weighing Scripture with Scripture as is pertinent to a doctrine before concluding a doctrinal position. No verse should ever be tossed out because it doesn’t “fit” our denomination or doctrinal camp. For personal spiritual health and safety, we must seek to be biblically balanced to be properly grounded.
We share and support your desire for a walk with Jesus that teems with victory, spiritual life and liberty. With this, God wants our love holy, our heart pure and our doctrine soundly balanced. Without holding to Scriptural Essentials, a healthy, Spirit-filled, victorious, Christian life is not possible. Since our understanding of God’s Word affects how we walk with Him, our Christian life will flourish with biblical balance.
Regardless what books or booklets you may choose from our materials, our desire is for you to recognize and experience the devoted, compassionate love of God as the sacrificial and holy love that it is. This agape (sacrificial) love is God’s divine attribute that undergirds every aspect of His Character. We want you to understand and experience faith that works by this love. Our desire is for you to experience prayer as the conduit of communication God uses to carry out His will through believers.
Because the term “Spirit-filled” is often misused and because we use this
term, here is our definition. Being “Spirit-filled” results when believers’ lives are so surrendered to the Lord Jesus that they are filled, led and empowered by the Holy Spirit. The evidence of this filling will be the fruit of the Holy Spirit. (Galatians 5:22-23)
Using UHWM Books, Life Application Workbooks, Videos, and UHWM
Studies, you will be safely guided from port to port. Our books and booklets are organized according to the ports on this map. This map progressively guides you along the way of a scripturally balanced, Spirit-filled, victorious Christian life. If you are interested in knowing what the author's burden is behind the books, please see

You begin your voyage aboard God’s vessel of Salvation under the sails of Grace and Faith. Then, by the wind of God’s Spirit, your Salvation ship will be carried out of the Sea of Sin through the Strait Gate where, by Divine Guidance, you will set sail on
God’s Ocean of Love. From there, you will be taken to vital ports of sound doctrinal teaching. Some of the other ports are God’s Person, Man’s Person, Prayer, Fundamentals of Sound Doctrine, the Spirit’s Filling, Biblical Balance, Revival and other
doctrinal topics. You will safely be navigated through the turbulent waters of today’s doctrinal confusion created by unbalanced and erroneous teachings. This voyage avoids the lethal torrents of heresies. The final destination is Heaven!
Adultery is now indiscretion; sin is now human frailty—and grace without accountability covers everything. And love—well, it fits in just fine when it’s “love” without holiness.
All this works well with “judge not lest ye be judged;” homosexuality has become “your choice” and bisexuality is now described as being “flexible.” If this isn’t the 21st C. church’s guide to apostasy, what is?
This is a time when it is imperative that we biblically and accurately define every relevant term in every statement, every message and every claim to true Christianity. It seems today in America, like no other in church history, it is necessary to actually specifically inquire regarding what were once accepted definitions of orthodox evangelical Christendom.
Since today is a blurred day in American Christendom and one where so many doctrinal lines are being moved, it is necessary to establish biblical definitions and agree on essential doctrinal tenets, before offering the right hand of Christian fellowship.
These six essentials, often missing in our day, have pre-eminence with UHWM.
No Christian can have the victorious, Christian LIFE without these SCRIPTURAL ESSENTIALS.
Without true repentance, there can be no true salvation. True repentance and sin are essentials that are so often avoided in preaching today, just as God’s life-giving holy character is either avoided or distorted. Our teaching covers true repentance and salvation, as it is in God’s Word.
True salvation is wholly by grace through faith, a wholehearted life surrender to Jesus Christ as Lord. (This will be followed by progressively learning how to walk in His Lordship.) When you hear “preaching” other than this, you are hearing “wide gate” preaching. (Matt 7:13-14)
A preacher can’t just say to pray this "wide gate" prayer for Jesus to be Savior, and afterward proclaim the person who prayed that prayer is saved. This is an example of "wide gate" preaching. True salvation only comes with full surrender of a person's whole heart and life to Christ. Salvation must be, as Jesus told the rich, young ruler, all or nothing. (Matthew 19:16-26)

God’s basis for true salvation and the Spirit-filled life is given in Romans 1-8. It is in Romans 6-8 that God had Paul write his treatise for the victorious Christian life.. Chapter 6 is where we read God’s “Know-Reckon-Yield” way for attaining and maintaining the victorious, Spirit-filled Christian life. Here, we recognize how “dead reckoning” is essential to “live reckoning.” All is procured by Grace through Faith, as we respond in obedience to God’s scriptural way. This is what you should hear instead of today’s messages which ignore the Bible’s call to the Crucified/Spirit-Filled Life. (Such a departure from Scripture certainly makes a preacher’s salvation suspect.)
To have a scripturally healthy walk with God, we must be grounded in biblically balanced doctrine. Again, by “biblical balance” we mean balance arrived at after considering every verse regarding a doctrine without discarding any which don’t fit one's denomination or camp. Every verse is vital; none should be tossed out. In this way, we can learn what is true—rather than simply the view of a theological camp or denomination. By doing this, we won't pick and choose “favorite verses”; instead God will show us how we can press two seemingly opposing verses together to arrive at a balanced doctrinal perspective. So often today, sound doctrine is either watered down, not taught at all, or taught out of balance. Truth out of balance is error and error carried to its extreme becomes heresy. Balanced truth produces life and prevents us from being blown about by “every wind of doctrine” (Eph. 4:14).

Today, we seldom hear that the Holy Spirit wants to fill us with Himself in order to change us and lead us into a holy, joyful life; instead, we're most likely given a topical message on how to:
• have a better marriage, raise your children, go to church as a family, read your Bible, serve your community, do good works with your consecrated flesh…
• receive the Holy Ghost so you can speak in tongues, have spiritual gifts, be healed, be rich…
• experience “revival” brought about through rock-concert-like music and atmosphere accompanied by emotional and motivational preaching devoid of the biblical essentials of sin, repentance, and holiness. Much of this stems from consecrated flesh or even a foreign spirit.
• follow a list of do’s and don’ts that leaves you just a nominal Christian, lifelessly warming a church pew.
However, such messages either distort or completely avoid teaching the Spirit-filled life that God intends for us to have. God’s Word teaches that believers are “Spirit-filled” when they are so surrendered to the Lord Jesus that they are filled, led and empowered by the Holy Spirit. What is the evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit? A holy walk and the manifestation of His fruit. (Galatians 5:22-23)
True personal revival is where we desire our hearts to be right with God at any cost. It requires genuine repentance, surrender and faith. In true revival, God gives us a burning desire for heart purity and a hunger for holiness. He leads us to repentance and confession of sin to experience forgiveness and filling of His Spirit. Personal revival can lay groundwork for corporate church revival.
With corporate church revival, there is a call for genuine repentance and questioning salvation when it is lacking. Today, reproof of sin is often called judgmentalism. Yet, part of true revival is reproof of sin, which is a healthy admonishment that brings revived life full of victory, liberty, spiritual fruit, power and fellowship with God. What could be more healthy than this? The Bible tells us that only through true repentance and confession of sin can we (or our church) experience a true God-sent revival.
It shows us that these six essential truths found in Scripture and held by New Testament church believers are being avoided by many professing believers today. It is as if many Scriptures were actually deleted from God’s Word—as they either receive no attention from preachers and teachers, or are given an altered explanation. What is being missed is the scriptural, spiritual life the Bible tells us was walked out by 1st Century New Testament believers.
The concept of death to flesh, the cross, the crucified life, the exchanged life—any teaching that would reveal this biblical way to victory—is either being ignored or presented to mean something far different from what the 1st Century New Testament believers knew God meant. The lives of 1st Century New Testament believers showed life application of this biblical way to victory. Why, in preaching today, is God's way so avoided? Why is this truth not being taught? Because of the cost. The world and the worldly church do not want to surrender to it; they want to keep self on the throne.
Today, you would be hard pressed to find one out of a thousand "professing" believers who actually know what these biblical terms mean and who are living the Crucified/Spirit-Filled life. (Gal. 2:20) If you know you aren’t hearing these biblical principles taught, nor seeing examples of this in your church or among "professing Christian" friends (maybe even yourself), then you are aware of the famine for sound, biblically balanced preaching and teaching and true Christianity in our day.
The crucified Christian life is the very foundation for the victorious Christian life! Without, by faith, being dead to self and alive to God, there will be no victorious life.
If you've been saddened by seeing churches in America rapidly departing from the true Gospel, we hope that reading this has gladdened your heart! You are not alone. There are many who still hold to the true Gospel message and the Lord will be helping us to connect with one another.
In these days ahead, it will be imperative that we make a clear distinction between what is biblical and what is not. We will want to have biblically balanced truth applied to our life so we can be safe, sure, and victorious. (Don't miss the Articles.)